11Eyes project Status

We had a meeting today with the main staff of the 11eyes project in regards to the status of it.

There have been two translators working on the project, Sabino who has been on it since the beginning and Zky (myself) who came at a later date to support it.
To make a long story short, Sabino is still intent on working on 11eyes to the bitter end, but has difficulties stabilizing his life. His GPA has taken a big hit he says. With this said the main translator wants to continue 11eyes, but it is just a matter of him sorting out his life.

[14:43] <@sabino> but there’ll be no change in my part of the promise.
[14:44] <@Zky> so you are planning on continuing 11eyes?
[14:44] <@d_fallen_god> Good, so I wonder what will be our options on this one?
[14:44] <@sabino> I’ll be willing to do it during my open time till the bitter end, as long as fallen’s up for it.
[14:45] <@d_fallen_god> I’m still up no need to worry about it
[14:45] <@Zky> but how much time can you open up though?
[14:45] <@sabino> That’s the thing
[14:45] <@sabino> Before I put in lots of time and effort to translations and payed the price with my GPA
[14:46] <@sabino> I’ll be willing to volunteer, but I don’t want to be putting my future on the line.
[14:51] <@Zky> if i can see 11eyes possibly finishing, i’ll help the project
[14:57] <@sabino> Guys, I can’t tell you how much I love VNs
[14:57] <@sabino> But life’s gotta come first

As for me (Zky), I honestly don’t have the will to make a commitment to the 11eyes project as my own. I will continue to watch over the 11eyes project but until Sabino is able to make a recovery or manage to translate most of the game before he goes back to being busy with life, I will pretty much stay on standby.  I have reasons why I don’t wish to take up 11eyes personally; making a personal commitment to translating a visual novel is a 250-500 hour commitment, not to be taken lightly.
Again, we are looking for translators willing to pick up the slack, because Sabino is busy and I am not willing to treat this project personal and work on it mostly myself.

The recent patch is pretty Fugly with broken triggers, off-track voices, and typos everywhere (blame a certain someone for releasing it on Christmas when he shouldn’t have) and will of course have to get fixed.  That can be done by other people other than the translators, which we should at least be able to sort out easily with the help of the editors.

We apologize to those looking forward to the project, but the main translator is still very much intent on not giving up.  For now though, consider the 11eyes project asleep until the main translator wakes up or it receives support from other translators.  Progress is being made… just it is too minimal to consider lively at this time.

36 thoughts on “11Eyes project Status”

  1. thanks for the update as he said life comes first take your sweet time on this i can read most japanese but i like to read in english better thanks for your hard work and once again take your sweet time on this RL comes first

    1. I don’t want to give false hope, so I’ll be honest. I (the secondary translator) have retired from the project because of the inactivity and my unwillingess to do the whole thing myself.
      The main translator is super busy with life and unable to make big leaps in the project until he settles issues in real life, but he intends on persevering until the bitter end.

      So it all depends on the main translator settling out his life, as well as whether or not other translators are willing to boost the project, but at this rate you should not count on it.

  2. The real reason this sucks is that when you take on a project other prospective translators move on to different projects once they see that a translation is underway. Especially after you’ve had the translation ongoing for this long. Most of us are patient. We realize that translations sometimes take years, but abandoning it at this stage effectively kills any possibility of this particular visual novel ever seeing a translation.

    1. Yeah, most translators are also reluctant to join a project in which they are a complete stranger to. Most like to have their own personal projects.
      For me it was kind of a whim when I noticed the project was struggling, then I got a bit too involved. lol.

  3. Hi. Do you mind Chinese to English translations? It seems that there’s a Chinese patch floating around, and I may be able to assist you guys while I learn the Jap kanji at the same time (since I can read Chinese).

    Just email me if you are interested, along with the sample script (best if you write down the in-game date so I may skip to that section).

    1. It depends completely on how the Chinese-English TLs can match the Japanese. Translating Japanese – Chinese – English is double translating, therefore holding a very high chance for butchering the quality. But at this point we are interested in Chinese-English as well. The hacker has already extracted out all of the Chinese script. One problem with using Chinese – English translations is also the localization(s), since Chinese is naturally a language that heavily localizes anything that gets translated into it, and the Japanese – English translating is very non-localization based. We can probably work around this at this stage however, nothing the editors can’t fix.

      Anyway, if you are interested, e-mail d.fallen.god@gmail.com and ask him for the Chinese scripts. Ask him for all of it if you can, otherwise just ask for specifically the scripts that correspond with the Japanese scripts “051” and “059.” 051 is a bad end script, and 059 is just a regular daily life script. These are short and not too difficult, but it’ll be a good initial benchmark to see if we can match the scripts. As for in-game dates, they are already listed inside the script as part of the trigger.
      Thank you for your interest.

  4. I’m willing to help edit the script for grammatical errors. I can’t do much on the translation front since I only speak English fluently, but I’m quite skilled at proofreading and editing. Just shoot me an email and let me know. I’d hate to see this project die off.

    1. The problem is the translation output~ there isn’t much to edit even if more editors were taken in. The project is pretty much officially stalled, and only one translator vows to continue it.

      1. I kind of assumed as much. Let me know if anything changes, though. I’ve been watching this project since nearly the beginning, so I won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

  5. What a shame.. but what can one do. Maybe someday, its not like it’ll never happen 🙂
    and there’s other vns out there ^^ It’s nobodies fault..stuff like this happens! heck its tough when you have to choose between what ‘really’ matters and what ‘Really’ matters to You. I’m sure we’ve all been there before, its a tough decision and change to make. But at least no one completely/permanently lost track of what truly matters. That’s what happens when you love and enjoy something so much. You forget about what must really matter, and that’s when it hits you.
    I’m sure that if everyone here really means what they say, and if the once devoted were really willing to devote, I think things will turn out just fine someday, unless of course-
    But for now, life goes on~

  6. well, i don’t now if this is already COMPLETELY dead, but i got interested after a friend told me the anime was a persona 3 rip off (and god it was) and someone told me the game was way better, i have very little experience (i have only translated 2 doujins with google’s shitty translator, but due to my heavy knowleadge on the subject i was able to succesfuly translate them with a rate of 90% accuracy, or so said the comments) but a lot of free time, and i’m in the proccess (2 months into) of learning japanese, i would be willing to translate the game if you want to but i don’t know if i could be much help…

  7. Well,hello there guys!I am John Titor,and I came from the future to tell you what happened with this project!
    Leaving the bad joke aside,(lol)we are in 2014,this project started 2 years ago(May be wrong,correct me if I am).No progress was made since then,so yes,for me it is oficially dead.
    Thanks to the people who started this project!I got my hopes up,AND I WAITED FOR 2 YEARS FOR NOTHING!THANK YOU!!!!
    Now seriously,if you start a project,you don’t just drop it.Atleast an oficial announcement would have been good,but no notices,no nothing.Seriously guys.

      1. Well,i’m doing a translation of my own,but i will need help….

        But sadly, it seems this group is dead or are ignoring me.
        At least,i want to finally provide the real events of the Red Night.

      2. rtys8,the group is dead.No doubt about it.But what makes me mad is that they start something and leave it at half without any announcement.
        Someone could make a translation of this game.Just find some people who can understand japanese(I would do it,but sadly,I don’t know how to speak in japanese)and ready.

        “We apologize to those looking forward to the project, but the main translator is still very much intent on not giving up.”Yeah,nice lie you made there.2 years and we still have nothing.

        Meh,I think I went really mad at the head of the project,but I think I am speaking for everyone when they left us with nothing.It’s just…..graaaah.

      3. Edit:
        I went really mad at the one who started this translation.
        I seriously need an edit button.

      4. http://11eyes.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Rtys8

        It’s a WIP,will need someone to read it someday for quality checking

        My translation project is quite a personal one,since as you said: At this point, it’s already 2014.

        Most of the fans who once liked this work are now gone.
        Resona forma is now almost fully in chinese.
        The 11eyes Wiki is mainly filled with most of the story’s information.

        All it would take is just piercing it together..I’m just sharing my findings.Don’t be mistaken though,mine isn’t meant to replace a real english patch.
        I am using the chinese crossover edition since i
        do not have faith i can translate H-scenes.

        I could share my scripts with you if you want,but i really need the help with editing and knoweledge of the Japanese language.

      5. Damn it,wish I could help you…but I don’t know a single word of japanese.
        Other than that,I am surprised that someone is still posting on this site.I tought it was dead for real.

      6. Ryts,you have some way to contact them other than this web?That way I could spam them for answers.

  8. Tried IRC, noone is there.

    Anyway, whoops, i forgot to put up a link to my translations at the blog, but never mind,ill put it up once i make it to a choice. I’m now at 4 Oct Training,still got a few segments before the choice at 5 Oct Pryokinesis where Takashisa debuts.

      1. Anyway, if you want to speak about my translations,go to my blog in the link.

        I’ll post here again once it’s ready to be shown

  9. What do you want from the translation group? I’m far beyond the VN community but this has managed to reach my E-mail. What do you need? I apologize for the project not being completed but honestly, at this point I have little sympathy as I’ve been caught up with life to worry about illegal translations for a visual novel. In fact, I’ve lost a lot of passion for visual novels and everything sub-culture in general. But enough with that, what do you even want from the group? I may not be able to give them to you myself but I can try to get in contact with others. I’ll at least try not to be like the original translator and completely disappear without a trace of even contact. DFG still has my contact info.

    Edit: One more thing- If you want to translate from the Chinese, that is your own discretion but I wouldn’t recommend it for originality’s sake. Not that a translated work in itself is original, but you will further deviate. I can skim over your work and compare it with the Japanese, but I’ve done this before, and it’s always the same- the Chinese-English translation is far deviated from the original Japanese. In any case, if you do translate the entire Chinese script, no doubt the community would be grateful, but if you really feel satisfied doing such a thing, you should wonder what kind of a translator you really are.

    I’m also going to throw out a punch because I can’t give a shit about this community anymore. Drake, your passion for the novel is appreciated but expecting random people to translate a work illegally, without being paid, out of their own free time and then complaining about it not being finished is pretty damn retarded. Learn Japanese, buy the game, or heck translate one yourself. If you can’t even do that then you don’t have any right to complain. Most of this community doesn’t even buy the games, even the translators are pirates- it’s so crooked. I could give less than a shit, but damn, you have to be dumb. Sorry, other than this I’ll try to keep it to business =P.

    1. What do you want from the translation group? -To tell me why did they dissapear without a trace.
      What do you need? -This is obvious to answer.

      Skipping parts……

      your passion for the novel is appreciated-Thanks!

      paid, out of their own free time and then complaining about it not being finished is pretty damn retarded.-How so?They promised a translated Visual Novel.Also,if you start to translate a visual novel,you don’t want anything in return.It’s for the community and fun.

      but damn, you have to be dumb -Oh,thanks for the insult.


      1. Forgot to say something:
        It’s just……I don’t want you to start projects that you won’t finish and give us falses hopes (I’m not the only one who is mad about this).
        Yeah,you are right.I’m wanting someone to translate the game,someone who uses his/her free time,because I have no idea how to speak in english..Yeah,I’m selfish.I admit it.So what?You were the ones who decided to make the project,not me.
        Rights to complain?Pft?No man,you are wrong.I can complain more than you can.I would like to know why the man in charge of the project disappeared with no trace.

        You are right.I’m annoying.I’m selfish.But at the end,there are reasons of why.

        I will cut this here,since by just looking at this page makes me mad.

      2. If it helps, i would have wanted all the available resources the group has left.

        I can handle the script for the most part,but very specific content i really need help with.

        Btw,It may be just me,but i find the whole slice of life segments getting really boring and long.

        I’m now going finish Oct 4 Kukuri and Yuka’s conversation.

        And gosh, 3 more SOL segments before Oct 5 Pryokinesis where Takahisa debuts.That would be a real good payoff.

  10. I’m not even going to try do what i can’t really,inversely,note I’m specifically using a “poorer” version.The pc ported Crossover is inferior due to the engine and the canon fits the original 18+ PC version anyway.

    (It can even be replaced once someone actually translates the PSP version.)

    I compare the script with the original japanese using what little i know of the language,hoping i can restore some of it.The chinese script feels shoddly made in places even i who knows chinese feels a discrepancy at times.

    As you said,no one really gives a shit about this work anymore.
    I mentioned it to Fallengod once,what 11eyes needs most is people who are interested in it-which at this point,no one really cares,not even people who once decided to help other people understand it better.

    Even i am running out of interest,not just you!
    My translation playthough is a one way “journey” I feel at least,can be shared to give some closure on this work.

    (Did you know Resona Forma is quite boring?)
    I’m only bothering to come back and do this is mainly for myself.
    It just so happens that at this point in time,i discovered Resona Forma was translated into my language late.

    All of us are tired,the fanbase,the translators the community.It’s been several years.Time to put it to rest.I’m just burning out what’s left of my time and passion for this while i still have it.

    And it didn’t help,alright,this work isn’t an epic in hiding like Fate/stay Night or some Nitro+ work.It’s not worthy enough to gain the attention or fanbase.

    It’s just another Chuuni-eroge.
    (But one good enough i feel it’s worth treasuring as one of it’s kind.)

  11. You can’t tell to someone to learn a language that takes YEARS of their life to study,Zyk.You haven’t got a point there either.After the 20s,it becomes REALLY hard to learn a new language.It takes,atleast,5 years to have a “decent” level to read a book in Japanese and understand it.And tell them to learn a language that takes years of their life just to read a Visual Novel that takes,at max,30 hours?You’re making me laugh!
    Your comment keeps falling apart by each day that passes by.

    1. Let me give the group some credit: Never mind the language barrier.
      The actual script is that boring.

      I’ll say it straight – 11Eyes is boring.It only gets interesting when all the facts come together,just like Muv Luv.

      1. Eh,I’m done with this Novel.I used Atlas+ITH to read it and, while the program isn’t that good at translating ,I could understand it overall.So yeah…moving on with life here.

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